Manchikanti Yadagiry Junior College was established in Bodangiparthy 2008 to honor the father of Dr. Laxmaiah Manchikanti. Yadagiry served his community in many ways through public service and advocating for educational opportunities.

Gopamma was a lifelong advocate for education because children from Bodangiparthy could not attend school locally after the third grade.With the expansion of the primary school and the middle school and the establishment of the high school, not only do youth from Bodangiparthy have access to free education, but kids from surrounding communities do as well. The Manchikanti Educational Charitable Trust provides facilities, amenities and partial staffing.

The school has grown much since then with a student body in 2022-2023 of 329 students and 15 teaching staff, of which 8 were provided by the trust. Since the founding of the high school, the school has graduated thousands of students. Students receive a high quality education at no cost to them. The high school is housed with in a campus that also includes a pre-school, a primary school and a junior college