Auditorium Named After Alumnus Dr. Laxmaiah Manchikanti at Gandhi Medical College

An auditorium at Gandhi Medical College Alumni building was named after Dr. Laxmaiah Manchikanti for his extensive contributions and contributions to the college, Alumni Association, and as the founder and founding chairman of the board of Gandhi Medical College Global Alliance.

In the year 1979 GMC alumni celebrated the silver jubilee of the founding of the college but only a few alumni from abroad participated in the event. When Diamond Jubilee approached overseas GMC alumni decided to join hands with those in India to commemorate the event. That lead to the creation of GMCGA under the leadership of Dr. Laxmaiah Manchikanti, founding chairman, Dr. D. Kumar Ramisetti (first President) along with unrelenting support of Dr. Ravinder Surakanti, Dr. D. Sudhakar Rao and Dr.Koppolu Sarma.

The primary goal at the outset as envisioned by Dr.Surakanti was to raise funds to construct a building on the GMC/GH campus - Alumni Education Center (AEC) to enhance educational activities which would complement formal curriculum provided by the college. It took a great deal of effort by numerous alumni to obtain permission from the government of Andhra Pradesh to obtain land on the campus.The initial estimate of $250,000 for the project turned out to be far short of the eventual cost which exceeded $750,000 over the years. Work of foundation continues with multiple charitable activities involving free health care, free meals for visitors, complimentary educational opportunities for students, residents, and staff, and finally initiation of a pain management center project by Ram Pasupuleti and others.
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  • Manchikanti Educational & Charitable Trust
  • Our vision is to aspire and maintain a strong commitment to excellence through innovation, obligation, and ethical behavior in order to meeting the changing needs of society.
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